Various technological innovations of the 20th century realized affluent consumption-oriented societies. Meanwhile, it accelerated wasteful uses of resource and environmental destructions which even became threats to the continuation of life. The 21st century is the “Century of the environment.” It is our mission to use all our energy to solve environmental problems, restore beautiful nature, and leave it to the next generations.
KURABO has been manufacturing products under the Human-Friendly Concept, which takes into account people, the earth, and a healthy environment based on the perspectives of both companies and users since the early phases. The personnel of the Engineering Department have constantly commercialized various treatment systems, such as ones for factory waste gas, wastewater, and industrial waste based on experiments and tests in our own factories. We also have many product lineups including concentration control systems for various chemicals in factory manufacturing lines, FA-related products such as automatic conveyance systems, and blast treatment systems for shipbuilding and bridge construction. With these products, we offer system designs, manufacturing, and constructions that meet the needs of our customers.
In addition, the specialized maintenance division has full knowledge of the characteristics of each product and offers after-purchase customers, including maintenance and inspections after delivery. As the total engineering group, Kurabo Engineering Department is making daily efforts to establish the optimal environmental system. Kurabo Engineering provides support for the problems around you. Please bring your concerns to us.
The Engineering Department's business activities, which are founded on Kurabo's philosophy of "contributing to a better future through the creation of new value," resonate with the SDGs.
As the enactment of the Air Pollution Control Act in 1968, flue gas desulfurization systems began to be installed on smoke emission systems in Japan. Meanwhile, Kurabo started our own development before other companies and installed the first KBCA flue gas desulfurization system in our own factory. And,we have the leading results in Japan. We developed elementary technologies for not only desulfurization systems but also removal of acid toxic gas from various sources, for example,wet type waste gas treatment system for garbage incinerators. And, we applied the technologies for wet gas treatment to deodorization and dust removal.
The KBCA flue gas desulfurization system developed for our own factories was highly evaluated by many parties for its desulfurization efficiency, load-following capacity, and ease of operation and resulted in sales to outside customers. The system is now one of the best-selling products in the industry.
This is a toxic gas removal system for urban waste incinerators, which is an advanced version of the KBCA flue gas desulfurization system. With the extremely efficient removal of acid gases, such as hydrogen chloride and sulfuric oxide, it satisfies demands in large cities that dry treatment systems alone cannot treat.
This is a deodorizing system that removes odor-causing components from gas inside an absorption tower. It is capable of preventing high-level odors by combining with the oxidation function using an oxidizer and solid catalysts.
This is a scrubber-type dust remover that utilizes the elemental technology of the KBCA flue gas desulfurization system.
Environmental pollution caused by dioxins became the focus of attention, and new guidelines are presented due to revisions of the Implementation Ordinance for Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act in Japan. Since then,dry type gas treatment systems have become a mainstream of waste gas treatment systems. This is composed by filter for removal of acid gas and dioxins,and denitration system removal of Nox and also dioxin. Kurabo, which had many records of the operation of wet type waste gas treatment systems, quickly responded to this trend ahead of other companies.
This is a denitration system based on the contact reduction method, which uses ammonia or ammonia solution as a reducer and breaks down NOx into nontoxic N2 and H2O using the effect of a high-performance titanium oxide immobilized bed honeycomb catalyst.
This is a removal system that works on acid gas components and dioxins using the bag filter method, which complies with the new guidelines. It removes toxic gases through solid-gas reactions on the surface of a filter cloth by blowing powder neutralizer, such as slaked lime or powdered activate carbon, into the waste gas stack.
For the various water treatment needs of gavage incinerators of the public facilities and industries. KURABO builds optimal water treatment systems by combining methods that we developed in our factories for biological treatment, pressure floatation treatment, filtration and membrane treatment, decolorization treatment, and heavy metal treatment. For improving the performance of installed facilities, KURABO proposes systems to achieve the targeted water quality while effectively using already available systems with such tools as bio-actor biological treatment in response to the requests of our customers.
A fluidized incinerator uses silica sand as the heating medium and maintains a fluid state.Therefore it can incinerate wastes instantly and completely when inserting them into the heated silica sand. In response to diversified needs, the combined incineration system, the unique development of KURABO, produces optimal combustion conditions by combinig high moisture content waste and high heat value waste.
This is a thermal recycling system that evolved from fluidized incinerators. It uses biomass fuels including wood chips, tire chips, waste plastics, and sludge, and recovers their energy as steam or heated air. It can also generate electricity when combined with a steam turbine.
The Tokushima Biomass Power Plant, which began operation in July 2016, combines steam turbines with our proprietary fluidized bed boiler technology. It uses timber from forest thinning etc. to generate power from wood biomass.
Generation capacity | : | 6,340kW |
Annual power output | : | About 40 million kWh (equivalent to the annual power usage of around 11,000 typical Japanese homes) |
Boiler type | : | Fluidized bed |
Fuel | : | Wood chips such as timber from forest thinning |
This thermal recycling system can repeatedly recycle livestock waste discharged from cattle barns.
With its powerful sterilization and drying capabilities, this system can repeatedly recycle livestock waste (used litter containing livestock excrement and urine) into dry and clean compost.
This system enables significant reductions in the cost of purchasing litter, and in addition to saving effort in manure processing and composting, addresses issues such as bad odors and sanitary management in cattle barns.
This system applies base treatment before painting in shipbuilding, bridge construction, electric power plant, automobiles, and airplanes. KURABO suggests optimal systems, including surface treatment systems, such as abrasive media circulation and automatic recovery system, compact on-vehicle types, and internal and outside treatment systems for structuring pipes, in addition to environmental measures that take into account dust collection and air conditioning in buildings.
It supports cutting edge industries, such as the semiconductor industry, with high-purity chemical mixing and injection systems, storage and supply system, and design and construction of clean rooms that realize dust-free, sterile clean spaces.