From the textile
business to
other diverse
business fields.
We keep expanding
our business fields
also to our exclusive
electronics business.
Expansion from the textile industry
Starting with the textile business,
the Kurabo Group continues to expand
its businesses into various fields.
Our newer businesses include
diverse areas
such as housing, automobiles,
electronics,machine tools, and foods.
- In the textile field, we control colors by introducing leading-edge technologies in our dyeing plant and continue to make progress in developing color matching technology to automatically tone dyes and other colors. We have also worked on wastewater and smoke treatment at our own plants, and have established the technical capabilities and know-how to develop eco-friendly plants.
- Our new chemical technologies developed in the urethane business, which is a different field from textiles, have been applied to building materials in response to recent high demand. Technological innovations and fusions that have advanced through our cross-functional collaborations are now being leveraged in the semiconductor field.
Kurabo’s History
Path from the textile business
to the chemical products
and electronics businesses
Textile Business
DivisionChemical Products
DivisionAdvanced Technology