Corporate PhilosophyCompany Information
Management Philosophy
The Kurabo Group contributes to a better future
through the creation of new value.

Code of Conduct
We abide by laws and rules, and we act with fairness and integrity. These actions guide us in the following beliefs.
- 1. A pioneering spirit to take on new challenges
- 2. Resourcefulness for creating new value
- 3. Passion and vitality for seeing things through to the end
- 4. Free and open communication
Company Creed
Be of one mind and make concerted efforts
Our company creed represents the words of Koshiro Ohara, our first president, who aimed to create an environment that prioritizes harmony and solidarity and is conducive to contributing to the maximum of young employees' abilities.
The creed conveys the idea that we should combine our efforts to work as one mind, even when there are differences in capabilities or talent between individuals.
This phrase comes from The Commentary of Zuo on the Spring and Autumn Annals, an ancient commentary on a Chinese chronicle compiled by Chinese philosopher Confucius, the earliest ancestor of Confucian of the Spring and Autumn period (approximately 771 to 476 BC).

Company Motto
Humility bears profit
Our company motto means that people who are complacent and conceited invite trouble, while those who humbly work hard reap benefits.
This phrase, a creed passed down through generations of the family of Ohara, the founding family of KURABO, comes from a passage in the Book of Documents, the Confucian Classic of History.
Preventing pride and working tirelessly are the very core philosophy of our corporate management — the philosophy was deeply ingrained in all our employees.

Company Symbol
The Two and Three mark
This symbol represents the mindset of our company motto, “Humility bears profit.” When people become the best, this success can go to their heads and they tend to slack off. The Two and Three mark means that, even if you become the best at something, you should continue to work as hard as someone who is second or third and is trying to be number one.

The Two and Three mark, the official company symbol, is being used in our company flag and elsewhere. In 1968, we introduced the K mark, which has been used as our corporate logo on employee badges, sales promotion materials, and others starting on the occasion of Kurabo’s 100th anniversary.
Kurabo Group Code of Ethics
Ever since Kurabo’s foundation in 1888, based on our company motto of “Humility bears profit” and our company creed of “Be of one mind and make concerted efforts,” we have been aware of our connection with society and carried out business in an ethical manner. These efforts have earned us a reputation as a manufacturer that provides society with value.
In 1998, in order to bring to fruition our management philosophy of “Kurabo contributes to improving lifestyles through the creation of new value,” we formulated the Kurabo Code of Ethics, a reaffirmation of our commitment to abiding by all laws and rules and acting for the good of society around the world.
While today’s rapidly advancing world necessitates that business activities be carried out autonomously, such activities must be done in an ethical manner consistent across an entire corporate group since it is the group—in our case the Kurabo Group—that is evaluated by society at large.
In order to respond to the best of our ability to society’s demands and solidify the Kurabo Group’s value to society, on the day of Kurabo’s 118th anniversary in 2006, we revised the Kurabo Code of Ethics and launched it as the Kurabo Group Code of Ethics.
Kurabo president, March 9, 2006
Kurabo Group Code of Ethics
- 1.Be a corporate group that is valuable to society.
- 2.Abide by the spirit of all laws and rules and act for the good of society.
- 3.Develop and offer safe, high-quality products and services.
- 4.Respect employees’ personality and individuality and provide them with a safe, easy-to-work environment.
- 5.Recognize the importance of protecting the environment and conduct business in a green manner.
- 6.Strive to communicate with shareholders and all other stakeholders, disclose corporate information promptly and accurately, and conduct business with the utmost consideration for protecting personal and customer information.
- 7.Contribute to communities as a good corporate citizen.
- 8.Take a firm stand against anti-social forces and groups.
- 9.Contribute to countries and regions outside Japan where we do business by respecting their cultures and customs.
- 10.Ensure that top management members recognize their responsibility to spread the spirit of the Kurabo Group’s Code of Ethics by putting it into practice themselves.
- 11.Ensure that top management members intervene directly to solve a problem if there is a violation of the Kurabo Group’s Code of Ethics.
Formulated: November 1, 1998
Revised: March 9, 2006